Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga, Promosi, dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Burger King Jemursari

  • Moch Rizky Alamsyah
  • Krido Eko Cahyono
Keywords: product quality, price, promotion, brand image, buying decisions


This research aimed to find out the effect of product quality, price, promotion, and brand image on consumers’ buying decisions of Burger King Fast Food restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya. The research was quantitative moreover, the population was consumers who had bought at Burger King restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya. Furthermore, the data collection technique used purposive sampling. In line with, there ware 96 respondents as the sample. Additionally, the data analysis technique used SPSS 25for windows. In addition, based on hypothesis tests, it concluded that product quality affected consumers’ buying decisions of Burger King Fast Food restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya. Likewise, price had a significant effect on consumers’ buying decisions of Burger King Fast Food restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya. Similarly, promotion had a significant effect on consumers’ buying decions of Burger King Fast Food restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya. Correspondingly, brand image had a significant effect on consumers’ buying decisions of Burger King Fast Food restaurant, Jemursari, Surabaya.
Keyword: product quality, price, promotion, brand image, buying decisions
