Ilmu dan Riset Manajemen (JIRM)2024-08-22T02:17:05+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Ilmu dan Riset Manajemen adalah jurnal elektronik yang mempublikasikan Karya Ilmiah mahasiswa dalam bidang manajemen. Di terbitkan secara berkala setiap bulan dengan Nomor ISSN: 2461-0593 yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIESIA) Surabaya.</p> STRES KERJA, KEPUASAN KERJA DAN DUKUNGAN ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN2024-08-21T06:25:01+00:00Audrey Ajeng Fristya[email protected]Suhermin Suhermin[email protected]<p>This research aimed to examine and analyze the effect of work stress, work satisfaction, and organizational support on employees’ performance. The population was 47 employees in Perumda Delta Tirta Sidoarjo, Gedangan. Moreover, the research was quantitative. The instrument used was a questionnaire, in which was distributed to the respondents. The data were primary. Furthermore, the data collection technique used saturated sampling, in which all members of the population were the sample. Additionally, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 26 version. The result concluded that work stress had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance in Perumda Delta Tirta Sidoarjo, Gedangan. Likewise, work satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance in Perumda Delta Tirta Sidoarjo, Gedangan. Similarly, organizational support had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance in Perumda Delta Tirta Sidoarjo, Gedangan.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) CELEBRITY ENDORSER DAN E-SERVICE QUALITY TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN SHOPOEE MELALUI BRAND IMAGE2024-08-21T06:27:46+00:00Anissa Yusiara[email protected]Suhermin Suhermin[email protected]<p>Internet-based service is one of the ways for a company to promote its products. The products are not sold by conventional stores. However, the brand has reached the internet world to expand its market share. Moreover, the company makes use of celebrities as a way to interest customers. Therefore, this research aimed to find out and analyze either the direct or indirect effect of celebrity endorsers and e-service quality on the purchasing decisions of Shopee e-commerce; with the brand image as a mediating variable. The research was quantitative. Furthermore, the sample was 100 respondents who were Shopee users. The data collection technique used purposive sampling. Additionally, the data analysis technique used SmartPLS 3.0 with a path diagram, model outer test, model inner test, and hypothesis test. The result concluded that there were direct and indirect effects if/ween celebrity endorsers and e-service quality on purchasing decisions. In addition, brand image was a mediating variable that could affect purchasing decisions. This would be continually discussed within research.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) HARGA, CITRA MEREK DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK SKINCARE AZARINE2024-08-21T06:30:30+00:00Nur Puspa Aprillia Kutrami[email protected]Khuzaini Khuzaini[email protected]<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Harga, Citra Merek dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan pembelian. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah warga yang berada di wilayah Surabaya dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 100 responden menggunakan Teknik non probability sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner secara online melalui google form. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda bantuan program SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam uji parsial bahwa Harga memiliki pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dengan hasil nilai signifikansi 0,355 > 0,05, Citra Merek memilikipengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dengan hasil nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 dan Kualitas Produk memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dengan hasil nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Besar pengaruh Harga, Citra Merek dan Kualitas Produk sebesar 75,6% terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, sedangkan selisihnya sebesar 24,4% terdapat pengaruh dari faktor faktor lain.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) PROMOSI, KUALITAS LAYANAN, DAN WORD OF MOUTH TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN DI RESTORAN STEAK INDUSTRY SURABAYA2024-08-21T07:05:28+00:00Nabila Nabila[email protected]Anindhyta Budiarti[email protected]<p>The search aimed to analyze the effect of promotion, service quality and word of mouth (WoM) on the customers’ loyalty to the Steak restaurant industry in Surabaya. The research was quantitative. Furthermore, the data collection technique used purposive sampling with a questionnaire as the instrument in the data collection technique. In line with that, were 100 samples. Moreover, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with the SPSS 26.The result shows that service quality and word of mouth had positive impact, but promotion shows insignificant effect on customers’ loyalty. It meant that the fluctuation of promotion did not affect customers’ loyalty. On the hand, service quality and WoM had a positive and significant affect on customers’ loyalty. In other words, the fluctuation of the service quality and WOM had a significant affect on the customers’ loyalty. In short word of mouth had a dominant effect on the customers’ loyalty.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) REWARD, PUNISHMENT, DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN CV OHANA OFFICIAL2024-08-21T07:07:57+00:00Nuriah Aulia Febia Ratu[email protected]Dewi Urip Wahyuni[email protected]<p>This Research aimed to determine and analyze the effect of reward,punishment and work discipline on employees performance. The population was all employees who worked at CV Ohana Official. The data collection technique used saturated sampling with 40 respondents as the sample. Moreover, the reseacrh was quantitative. The data were primary with a questionnaire as the instrument in the data collection technique. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regresision with SPSS 26.0. The result showed that rewards had a positive and significant effect on employees performance. The higher the rewards were, the higher the employees performance would be, likewise, punishment had a positive and significant effect on employees performance. It meant that the higher the punishment was, the higher the employees performance would be. Similarly, work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employees performance. This meant that the higher the work discipline was, the more effective the employees performance would be. Additionally, the result of the validity test indicated that each indicator was valid and properly used in the reseacrh. The result of the determination coefficient test was 0.765 or 76.5% and 23.5% was explained by other variables which were not in the reseacrh.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) KOMPETENSI, PENGEMBANGAN KARIER, DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA BADAN NARKOTIKA NASIONAL PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR2024-08-21T07:10:15+00:00Lathifani Nadzifah[email protected]Yayah Atmajawati[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out the effect of competence, career development, and work motivation on the employees’ performance at the National Narcotics Agency of East Java province. The research was descriptive-quantitative. Moreover, the data collection technique used saturated sampling (census). The population was all employees who worked at the National Narcotics Agency of East Java province, which consisted of 65 respondents. Furthermore, the instrument of the data collection technique was a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. Additionally, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 29 version. The result indicated that competence had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance at the National Narcotics Agency of East Java province. However, career development had a positive but insignificant effect on the employees’ performance at the National Narcotics Agency of East Java Province. Likewise, work motivation had a positive but insignificant effect on the employees’ performance at the National Narcotics Agency of East Java Province.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) PROFITABILITAS, LIKUIDITAS, DAN STRUKTUR MODAL TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PADA PERUSAHAAN FARMASI YANG TERDAFTAR DI BEI PERIODE 2018-20222024-08-21T07:12:58+00:00Nofi Feningtyaswati[email protected]Yahya Yahya[email protected]<p>The aim of this research is to determine the effect of profitability, liquidity and capital structure on share prices in pharmaceutical sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the 2018-2022 period. This research is a type of comparative causal research with a quantitative approach. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the company's financial reports. The sampling technique used saturation so that 8 companies were obtained. Data analysis uses Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS. Based on the results of hypothesis testing (t test), it shows that profitability (return on assets), liquidity (Current Ratio), and capital structure (debt to Equity Ratio) have a positive and significant effect on stock prices in pharmaceutical companies. From the results of the coefficient of determination test (R Square), a value of 0.608 was obtained. This means that 60.8% of share price variations can be explained by variations in profitability (return on assets), liquidity (current ratio), and capital structure (debt to equity ratio). Meanwhile, the rest is explained by other variables outside this research.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) ROA, ROE DAN GPM TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA PERUSAHAAN FOOD AND BEVERAGE DI BEI2024-08-21T07:27:37+00:00Chiendy Merllizcha[email protected]Triyonowati Triyonowati[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out the effect of Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Gross Profit Margin (GPM) on the firm value of food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2018-2022. The research was casual-comparative with a quantitative approach. Morever, the data were secondary, which were taken from companies listed on IDX 2018-2022. Futhermore, the data collection technique used saturated sampling, with 7 companies fulfilling the criteria as samples. The data analysis technique used SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciense) 26 version. The result, using the hypothesis (t) test, showed that ROA had a positive and significant effect on the firm value of food and beverage companies by about 0,001. However, ROE had a positive but insignificant effect on the firm value of food and beverage companies by about 0,596. Likewise, NPM had a positive an significant effect on the firm value of food and beverage companies by about 0,025.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) WORK STRESS, JOB SATISFACTION, DAN JOB PROMOTION TERHADAP INTENSI TURNOVER PADA GRAHA GOLF SURABAYA2024-08-21T07:32:23+00:00Kharismania Kharismania[email protected]Pontjo Bambang Mahargiono[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out and analyze the effect of work stress, job satisfaction, and job promotion on the employees’ turnover intention of Graha Golf Surabaya. The research was quantitative. Moreover, the population was 60 employees at Graha Golf Surabaya. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression and determination coefficient analysis with the instrument of SPSS. The result showed that work stress had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ turnover intention of Graha Golf Surabaya. Likewise, job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ turnover intention of Graha Golf Surabaya. On the other hand, job promotion had an insignificant effect on the employees’ turnover intention of Graha Golf Surabaya. In line with the research result, there were several suggestions for the management of Graha Golf Surabaya. The management should decrease work stress to create good communication among employees. Furthermore, they had to improve cooperation so that employees feel comfortable with their work. Additionally, the management should improve the employees’ opportunities for promotion to the desired level. In other words, they needed to encourage the company to be fair enough in implementing promotions for its employees.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN, LINGKUNGAN KERJA, DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT KERETA API INDONESIA DAERAH OPERASI VIII SURABAYA GUBENG2024-08-21T07:37:33+00:00Kharis Indra Rizaldi[email protected]Marsudi Lestariningsih[email protected]<p>This research aimed to examine the effect of leadership style, work environment, and work motivation on the employees’ performance of PT KAI Operational Area of VIII Surabaya, Gubeng. The research was an associative- quantitative. Furthermore, the population was the employees who worked at PT KAI Operational Area of VIII Surabaya, Gubeng. The data collection technique used probability sampling. In line with that, there were 50 respondents as the sample. Moreover, the sampling technique was a questionnaire. The questionnaire were distributed to the respondents. Additionally, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regressions with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 25 version. Based on the classical assumption test, it found that there were no fraud variables. In addition, the result of the hypothesis test showed that leadership style, work environment, and work motivation partially had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance of PT KAI Operational Area of VIII Surabaya, Gubeng. This research provides suggestions on the importance of leadership styles which can have a significant effect in boosting work motivation for employees so that the performance of each individual in the work environment can increase at PT KAI Operational Area of VIII Surabaya, Gubeng.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) STRUKTUR MODAL TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS DENGAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI2024-08-21T07:44:48+00:00Erlina Anggraeni[email protected]Bambang Hadi Santoso[email protected]<p>This research aimed to examine the effect of capital structure on profitability through firm size at the Property<br>and Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Moreover, capital structure was<br>measured by Debt to Asset Ratio, profitability was measured by Return On Assets, and firm size was measured<br>by Size. The research was quantitative. Furthermore, the population was Property and Real Estate companies<br>listed on IDX. The data collection technique used purposive sampling. In line with that, there were 14<br>companies as the sample. Additionally, the data were secondary and were taken for 5 years (2018-2022).<br>Therefore, the total data was 35 data samples. In addition, the data analysis technique used the Moderated<br>Regression Analysis with SPSS 26. The result indicated that capital structure had a negative and significant<br>effect on profitability. On the other hand, firm size had a positive and significant effect on profitability. The<br>result of the moderated regression analysis test was firm size moderated the correlation between capital structure<br>on profitability.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) CITRA MEREK, KUALITAS LAYANAN, DAN HARGA TERHADAP MINAT BELI KONSUMEN DI SUPERMARKET SAKINAH2024-08-21T07:51:58+00:00Husein Abdullah Akram[email protected]Rismawati Rismawati[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out the effect of brand image, service quality, and price on the consumers’ purchasing intention at Sakinah Supermarket, Surabaya. The population was customers who had visited Sakinah Supermarket, Surabaya. Moreover, the research was quantitative. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS 27.0. The data collection technique used purposive sampling. In line with that, there were 100 respondents as the sample. Additionally, the instrument in the data collection technique was a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. In addition, the data were primary. The result showed that brand image as well as price had a positive and significant or meaningful effect on purchasing intention. However, service quality had a positive but insignificant or not meaningful on purchasing intention. In addition, when both brand image and price were maintained, the purchasing intention would also increase. In suggestion, Sakinah Supermarket, Surabaya had to maintain its brand image and price to the customers. Also, they needed to give qualified service guarantees, especially to their customers.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) CURRENT RATIO, RETURN ON ASSETS, DAN DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM LQ45 DI BEI2024-08-21T08:02:01+00:00Yohanes Guerikus Bia[email protected]Bambang Hadi Santoso[email protected]<p>This research aimed to examine the financial ratio on the company’s stock price which was included in the LQ45 index at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the financial ratios were the liquidity ratio which was measured by Current Ratio (CR), the profitability ratio which was measured by Return on Assets (ROA), and the leverage ratio which was measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). The research was quantitative. Moreover, the data collection technique used a purposive sampling i.e., a sample selection with determined criteria. In line with that, there were 24 samples from specified 45 populations. In total, 120 data samples were analyzed. Additionally, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regressions with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 29. The result showed that the Current Ratio (CR) had a positive but insignificant effect on the stock price of the LQ45 companies index. On the other hand, the Return on Assets (ROA) had a negative and significant effect on the stock price of the LQ45 companies index. Likewise, Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) had a negative and significant effect on the stock price of the LQ45 companies index.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) KEPEMIMPINAN, PELATIHAN, DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIER TERHADAP KINERJA GURU SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 3 SURABAYA2024-08-21T08:07:25+00:00Dani Adyatma Putra[email protected]Yahya Yahya[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out and analyze the effect of leadership, training, and career development on the teachers’ performance at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya. The population was teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya. Moreover, the data collection technique used saturated sampling with 30 respondents as the sample. Furthermore, the instrument in the data collection technique was a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS 29. Additionally, the result of the hypothesis test (t-test) concluded that both leadership and training had a positive but insignificant effect on the teachers’ performance at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya. However, career development had a positive and significant effect on the teachers’ performance at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya. In addition, the result of the determination coefficient (R Square) test was 73.6%. The teachers’ performance at SMA Muhammdiyah 3 Surabaya could be explained by leadership, training, and career development. The rest of the percentage was explained by variables outside the research.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) CURRENT RATIO, SIZE, DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN PADA PERUSAHAAN FOOD AND BEVERAGES DI BEI2024-08-21T08:12:38+00:00Rangga Amedeo Silvan[email protected]Yahya Yahya[email protected]<p>This research aimed to find out and analyze the effect of the Current Ratio, Size, and Debt to Equity Ratio on the financial performance of Food and Beverage companies. The research was quantitative. The population was Food and Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2020-2022. Moreover, the data collection technique used purposive sampling, in which the sample was based on the criteria given. In line with that, there were 16 Food and Beverage companies as the sample. Furthermore, the data were secondary in the form of companies’ financial statements. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). Additionally, the result of the hypothesis test showed that both the Current Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio had a positive and significant effect on financial performance. However, Size had a negative and insignificant effect on financial performance. In addition, the determination coefficient (R-Square) was 0.416. It meant that 41.6% of financial performance (ROA) could be explained by the Current Ratio, Size, and Debt to Equity Ratio. The remaining percentage of 58.4 was explained by variables or other causes outside the research.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) KUALITAS PRODUK DAN HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN MELALUI MINAT BELI SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING PADA PELANGGAN PRODUK KECANTIKAN EMINA2024-08-21T08:20:04+00:00Akmilatus Sholichah[email protected]Anindhyta Budiarti[email protected]<p>This research to find out and analyze the effect of product quality and price on purchasing decisions through<br>purchasing intention as an intervening variable. The population was customers who knew the ingrediens and had<br>purchase three times in two months of Emina beauty products. The research was quantitative. Moreover, the data<br>collection teachnique used accindental sampling, in which the sample was randomly selected. Since the population<br>was infinite, 100 respondents were chosen as the sample. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used PLS<br>(Partial Least Square) with Smart PLS 3.0. The result, directly, showed that both product quality and price had a<br>positive and significant effect on purchasing intention. Likewise, product quality, price, and purchasing intention<br>had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, the result indirectly indicated that<br>purchasing intention as an intervening variable could mediate fully the effect of product quality on purchasing<br>decisions positively and significantly. Additionally, purchasing intention as an intervening variable could mediate<br>fully the effect of price on purchasing decisions positively and significantly.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) KINERJA KEUANGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA SEKTOR TRANSPORTASI DAN LOGISTIK2024-08-21T08:35:26+00:00Gusti Antung Novalina Ramadhani[email protected]Yahya Yahya[email protected]<p>This research aims to determine the effect of liquidity (current ratio), solvability (debt to equity ratio) and profitability (return on assets) on the firm value of transportation and logistics companies listed on the IDX for the 2020-2022 period. The type of research used is causal comparative. The population in this study was 26 transportation and logistics companies registered on the IDX for the 2020-2022 period. The sampling technique in this research used a purposive sampling method, namely sampling using certain criteria to obtain a sample of 21 transportation and logistics companies. The data source used in this research is secondary data obtained from the company's financial reports. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS application tools. The results of the hypothesis test (t test) show that liquidity (current ratio), solvability (debt to equity ratio) and profitability (return on assets) have a positive and significant effect on the firm value of transportation and logistics companies. The coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.605. This means that 60.5% of the dependent variable, namely company value, can be explained by 3 independent variables, namely liquidity (current ratio), solvability (debt to equity ratio) and profitability (return on assets), while the remaining 39.5% is explained by variables or other causes outside the model.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK DAN KEPERCAYAAN MEREK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (STUDI PADA KONSUMEN UNIQLO DI SURABAYA)2024-08-22T02:04:11+00:00Adelia Fitri Rachmawati[email protected]Nur Laily[email protected]<p>This research aimed to analyze and find out the effect of product quality, brand image, and brand trust on the consumers’ purchasing decisions (A Study on Consumers at the Uniqlo Surabaya). The research was quantitative. Moreover, the data collection technique used non-probability sampling, i.e., a sample selection that did not give the same chances or opportunities to every member of the selected population as the research sample. In line with that, there were 100 customers who had purchased the Uniqlo product Surabaya as the sample. Furthermore, the data were primary. The data were directly collected from respondents by questionnaire distribution. Furthermore, the data analysis technique that used the hypothesis test was multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) program. The result showed that product quality had a positive and significant effect on the consumers’ purchasing decisions at the Uniqlo Surabaya. Likewise, brand image had a positive and significant effect on the consumers’ purchasing decisions at the Uniqlo Surabaya. Similarly, brand trust had a positive and significant effect on the consumers’ purchasing decisions at the Uniqlo Surabaya.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) PELATIHAN, MOTIVASI, DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN BANK BPR JATIM BANK UMKM JAWA TIMUR CABANG UTAMA SURABAYA2024-08-22T02:14:23+00:00Siti Jazilah[email protected]Budiyanto Budiyanto[email protected]<p>This research aimed to analyze the effect of training, motivation, and work environment on the employees’ performance at BPR Bank Jatim, UMKM Bank East Java Main Branch Surabaya.The research was descriptive-quantitative. Moreover, the population was employees who worked at BPR Bank Jatim, UMKM Bank East Java Main Branch Surabaya. The data collection technique used non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling technique. In line with that, 65 respondents were taken as samples. Furthermore, the instrument in the data collection technique was a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). Additionally, the instrument test used a normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and proper model test (f-test), multiple determination coefficient, and hypothesis test (t-test).The result showed that training had a positive and insignificant effect on the employees’ performance at BPR Bank Jatim, UMKM Bank East Java Main Branch Surabaya. Likewise, motivation had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance at BPR Bank Jatim, UMKM Bank East Java Main Branch Surabaya. Similarly, the work environment had a positive and significant effect on the employees’ performance at BPR Bank Jatim, UMKM Bank East Java Main Branch Surabaya.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING DAN CONTENT MARKETING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK HEROCYN (STUDI KASUS PADA KONSUMEN PRODUK HEROCYN DI SURABAYA)2024-08-22T02:17:05+00:00Aisyaharani Prastiwi[email protected]Sulistyo Budi Utomo[email protected]<p>This research ained to find out the effect of social media marketing and content marketing of PT Coronet Crown in promoting Herocyn product in Surabaya. The population was all consumers who belonged to Z of the Millenial Generation, had used the product, and stayed in Surabaya. Through social media and content marketing, the product was effectively promoted to the consumers. Howerver, since may companies used those kinds of marketing, the management had to develop some strategies in social media. The research was quantitative. Moreover, the data collection technique used purposive sampling with a questionnaire as the instrument. In line with that, there were 98 respondents as the sample. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. Furtermore, the instrument test used validity and reliability test. Proper model test used f-test, multiple coefficient determinant, and hypothesis test used t-test. The result showed that social media marketing had a positive but insignificant effect on purchasing decisions. It happened as the Herocyn had been known since 1980. Consequently, the counsumers believed in the quality of it. However, content marketing had a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decisions. This was caused since the consumers had to know the product’s strengths first.</p>2024-08-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)