Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk , Harga, Promosi, Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

  • Teddy Anggara Putra
  • R Budhi Satrio
Keywords: brand image, product quality, price, promotion, service quality, buying decision


This research aimed to find out the effect of brand image, product quality, price, promotion and service quality on buying decision of Xiaomi Store Galaxy Mall 3 Surabaya. While, along with development of technology, companies had to compete strongly in searching opportunity, threat, challenge, and burden. The population was consumers who came and bought product at Xiaomi Store galaxy Mall 3 Surabaya, with 100 respondents as the sample. Moreover, the data were primary and questionaries as the instrument in data collection technique. Furthermore, based on multiple linear regression, there was positive effect of brand image, product quality, price, promotion on buying decision. Meanwhile, service quality had negative effect on buying decision. For the management of Xiaomi Store Galaxy Mall 3 Surabaya, it was expected to aware the positive effect of brand image, product quality, price, promotion on buying decision and aware of negative effect of service quality on buying decision in order to maintain their interest in having buying decision. Additionally, for the next researchers, they had to add other variables so that it expanded the research and had more updated and recent research period.
Keyword: brand image, product quality, price, promotion, service quality, buying decision
