• Reno Januari Kuswantoro
  • Aniek Wahyuati
Keywords: Price, Product, Place, Promotion, Purchasing Decision


There are a lot of companies or developers which offer real estate and property in the form of land plots, apartments, and available houses that have beenoffered to the market. PT PakuwonJatiTbk is one of developer companies in Surabaya which offer property. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the influence of marketing mix which consists of price, product, place, and promotion either simultaneously or partially has influence to the purchasing decision of property on PT PakuwonJatiTbk. The analysis technique has been done by using multiple linear regression and 77 respondents have been selected as samples. It has been found from the result of the hypothesis test either simultaneous or partial that independent variableshave significant influence to the purchasing decision. It is based on the result of model feasibility test which has Fcount value 6.604 and F significant value is under 0.05 i.e. 0.000. Meanwhile, the result of t test of price, product, place, and promotion variables show that each of them has value under 0.05 so the H0 is denied and H1 accepted. The variable which has dominant influence to the purchasing decision is promotion variable since it has the largest r2 value that is 14.21%. It can be concluded from the total calculation that the formulation of hypothesis has been proven to be significant.
Keywords : Price, Product, Place, Promotion, and Purchasing Decision
