Company has difficulty to control and defend the potential employee not walk out from the company. Of course if this happens it will be very detrimental and difficult for the company. Because if the rate of rotation of outflow and entry of employees is very high it will bring some adverse impacts among them is the activity of the company disrupted, influenced the morale of the work of other employees who can cause problems, recruitment costs, allowance and opportunity costs lost because new employees must learn the skills then it means the company has to pay for the training again. This research aims to examine the influence of the job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job insecurity on turnover intention. The first hypothesis examines whether job satisfaction influenced the turnover intention. The second hypothesis examines whether organizational commitment influenced the turnover intention. The third hypothesis examines whether job insecurity influenced the turnover intention. The population in this research is the production employee at CV Pelitmas Anugrah Gresik. The sample in the research amounted to 40 respondents. The research was chosen by using the data collection technique with questionnaire and the sampling technique using total sampling. The result of the research shows that job satisfaction negatively influenced the turnover intention directly. Organizational commitment has a negative influence on turnover intention directly. Job insecurity positively influenced turnover intention directly.
Keywords: Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job insecurity and turnover intention