• Alif Indra Waskita
  • Tri Yuniati
Keywords: Brand Image, Price, Promotion, Customer Loyalty


This research is motivated by tour and travel business which grows rapidly. Competition among similiar
businesses has arisen and it requires the company to be more creative and to notice service product in order to
mantain customer loyalty. One of the ways to mantain customer loyalty is by regarding the marketing mix
aspect and brand image in service to gain customer loyalty. It can be concluded that brand image, price and
promotion have a correlation to the customer loyalty of the user of tour and travel service, in the middle of
competition similiar tour and travel service business. The purpose of this research to find out the influence of
variables i.e. brand image, price and promotion to the custoer loyalty of PT Roda Express Sukses Mandiri. The
population is all men and women who have ever used service product of PT Roda Express Sukses Mandiri. The
data collection technique has been carried out by issuing questionnaires to the respondents and 100 people have
been selected as samples. The analysis technique has been carried out by using validity test, reability test,
feasibility model test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, and hypothesis significance test.
The result of the research show that marketing mix which consists of promotion, price and brand image have
positive and significant influence to the customer loyalty of the PT Roda Express Sukses Mandiri.

Keywords: Brand Image, Price, Promotion, Customer Loyalty
