• Tri Wahyu Nurcahya
  • Sri Utiyati
Keywords: Cross Listing, Net Sales To Net Fixed Assets, the companys growth with external fund


This research is meant to test the influence of cross listing to the growth of manufacturing companies at
IDX.The population of this research is the entire companies which have conducted go public at IDX and in the
foreign stock exchange in 2010-2014 or the company which has been done cross listing in 2010-2014. The
sample collection technique has been done by using purposive sampling. The criteria uses the company who have
done the multiple recording in two countries or more, based on these criteria so that 10 companies have been
obtained as samples. The period of this research is 1 year before and 1 year after the company has done the cross
listing.The test shows that Cross listing and long term debt to total asset has positive (unidirectional) influence
to the growth of the company with the external fund. Total dividend to total assets, earnings before interest and
taxes to net sales, net sales to fixed assets, have negative (opposite direction) influence to the growth of the
company with external fund. The asset size, net fixed assets to total assets variable does not have any influence
to the company’s growth with external fund. These variables have (inappropriate) correlation direction to the
growth of the company with external fund.

Keywords:Cross Listing,Net Sales To Net Fixed Assets,the companys growth with external fund
