• Reny Permata Sari
  • Budhi Satrio
Keywords: insentives, years of service, organization commitment, performance


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of insentive to the performance of the
employees, the influence of years of service to the performance of the employees, the influence of
organization commitment to the performance of the employees. The public accountant firm of Drs
Bambang Siswanto has been selected as the case study in this research.Insentive is given to the
employees in order to make large enthusiasm arise from them to enhance their performance. The
performance of an individual in carrying out the job is arisen and influenced by years of service and
organization commitment. The sample collection technique has been carried out by conducting census
to 32 employees. The data analysis has been done by using multiple linear regression analysis. The
result of the research is based on the data analysis and the hypothesis test that has been carried out i.e.
insentive variable (INS), years of service (MK) and organization commitment (KO) have positive and
significant influence to the performance of the employees variable (KK). Moreover, the independent
variable which gives dominant influence to the dependent variable is insentive variable (INS).The
insentive that has been given to the employees should be better than the previous one which means that
it is suitable with the performance of the employees in which a task should be suitable with the
capability of the employees. The following researcher should be able to develop this research by
studying other factors which can influence the performance of the employees i.e. education, training,
and motivation.

Keywords: insentives, years of service, organization commitment, and performance

