• Ririn Ariyanti Ningsih
  • Hendri Soekotjo
Keywords: Stock return, capital structure, profitability, liquidity


Stock returns is one motivator in a process of investment, then the measurement of stock returns is a way that is often used by investors to compare different investment alternatives, thus allowing investors to determine its success in making an investment.This research is meant to find out the influence of capital structure, profitability, and liquidity to the stock return on property and real estate companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2015 periods. The samples are property and real estate companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2015 periods. All the variables independently sampling method using purposive sampling method, and 6 companies have been selected as samples. The research data has been processed by using software of SPSS 22 version. Based on the result of classic assumption test and model feasibility test the regressions which have been generated are feasible to be used for further analysis. Based on the result of hypothesis test, it shows that capital structure (DER) and liquidity (CR) gives influence to the stock return of the property and real estate companies. Meanwhile, profitability (ROA) does not have any influence to the stock return of the property and real estate companies. Based on the result of partial determination coefficient shows that capital structure (DER) is the variable which has dominant influence to the stock return of property and real estate companies.
Keywords: Stock return, capital structure, profitability, and liquidity.
