PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN DENGAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017-2021)

  • Alfa Riska Dewanthi Putri
  • Khuzaini


This research aimed to find out the effect of profitability which a proxy with Return on Asset (ROA) on the firm value which was a proxy with Price Earning Ratio (PER). It was also to find out the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure on the relationship between profitability and firm value. Moreover, the population was Food and Beverage manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2017-2021. There were 9 samples from 43 Food and Beverage companies. Furthermore, the data were secondary in a form of annual reports, financial statements, and the companies’ continuity statements. Additionally, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regressions and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The result showed that profitability had a negative and significant effect on the firm value. In addition, CSR was able to moderat the effect of profitability on the firm value. These findings could be used as a basic reference in motivating companies to pay more attention to their profits.
