Lingkungan Kerja Memoderasi Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Graha Widya Bhakti

  • Namira Indah Prisna
  • Khuzaini


The business process in a company is the result of the performance conducted by all the employees
in the company. To provide good employees performance management and able to support in
achieving the company objectives requires the role of all employees in creating qualified performance.
This research aimed to find out the effect of motivation on the employee’s performance and the job
environment as the moderated variable. This research was quantitative with a questionnaire as the
data collection media. Moreover, the collection data was a response from 35 employees at PT Graha
Widya Bhakti. Meanwhile, the research sampling method used a purposive sampling technique i.e., a
sample selection with several criteria given following the research’s objectives. On addition, the
research analysis technique used SEM-PLS with the instrument of WarpPLS 7.0 software.The
research result concluded that motivation had a positive and significant effect on the employee’s
performance at PT Graha Widya Bhakti, also the work environment was able to moderate the effect of
motivation on the employee’s performance at PT Graha Widya Bhakti.
