• Catrina Nora Saradissa
  • Sonang Sitohang
Keywords: Price, Promotion, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction


The tight competition in getting the customer gives a motivation for the businessmen to remain
discipline in running the business specifically in the field of food and beverages provision service i.e.:
Ijen Café N Restowhich engage n the field of food and beverages service should be able to understand
the needs and the tastes which are desired by the customer and should give attention to price,
promotion, service quality and location so Ijen Café N Resto can provide satisfaction of service
properly to its customer. Customers form their expectation based on the message which has been
received from the seller, other people, friend, and other source of information. If the seller improves a
product excessively but they cannot feel the satisfaction, therefore the customers will experience futile
expectation. When the level of discrepancy, expectation, and quality is getting high the customer’s
dissatisfaction is getting bigger as well. This research is meant to find out the influence of price,
promotion, service quality, and location to the customer satisfaction of Ijen Cafe N Resto. The
population is the customers who have ever visited and purchased the products which have been offered
by Ijen Cafe N Resto. The data collection technique has been done by issuing questionnaires to 100
respondents who have selected as samples. The analysis technique has been done by using validity test,
reliability test, model feasibility test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regressions test, and
hypothesis significance test. The result of the research shows that price, promotion, service quality,
and location have significant influence to the customer satisfaction of Ijen Café N Resto on Jl. Arif
Rahman Hakim Surabaya.
Keywords: Price, Promotion, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction.
