PENGARUH NET PROFIT MARGIN, EARNING PER SHARE, SUKU BUNGA DAN INFLASI TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Food and Beverage di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2017)

  • Amalia Chamim
  • Imam Hidayat
Keywords: shares price, net profit margin, earning per share, interest rate, inflation


This research aimed to analyze of internal influences as measured using financial ratios consisting of Net Profit Margin and Earning Per Share. And the influences of external factors measured by Interest rates and Inflation on the shares price. While, the population was food and beverage companies which were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2013-2017. The data collection technique used purposive sampling, in which the sample was based on criteria given. In line with, there were 11 companies as sample. Moreover, the data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with SPSS 22. Based on the research result, using t-test, concluded Net Profit Margin and Earning Per Share had positive and significant effect on the shares price. On the other hand, the interest rate and inflationhad positive but insignificant effect on the shares price of food and beverage companies which were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2013-2017.
Keywords: shares price, net profit margin, earning per share, interest rate, inflation
