Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional, Earning Per Share, Return On Asset terhadap Harga Saham

  • Ina Kusnul Astiningsih
  • Khuzaini Khuzaini
Keywords: Institutional Ownership, Earning Per Share, Return On asset, Stock Price


This research is aimed to find out the influence of institutional ownership, earning per share, and return on
asset to the stock price through annual financial statement which has been prepared by food and beverages
companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2012-2014 periods. The research sample
consists of 11 food and beverages companies at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2012-2014 periods which
have been selected by using purposive sampling method. The data analysis has been conducted by using
multiple linear regressions analysis which is managed by SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). The
hypothesis test has been carried out by using statistic t test and F – statistic test on 5% significance level. The
result of partial test (t test) shows that only two variables i.e. earnings per share and return on asset which give
significant influence to the stock price whereas institutional ownership does not give any significant influence
to the stock price. Simultaneously (F test) shows that institutional ownership, earnings per share, and return on
asset give influence to the stock price.

Keywords: Institutional Ownership, Earning Per Share, Return On asset, Stock Price
