• Ridho Sulistio
  • Heru Suprihhadi
Keywords: Participative leadership, organizational culture, job motivation and employee performance


An organization will obtain optimal performance when its human resources get the motivation or positive workencouragement such as the existence of participative leadership and organizational culture that is able to createa safe, comfortable and conducive working atmosphere. Based on the description above, the purpose of thisresearch is to find out the influence of participative leadership and organizational culture on work motivation tothe performance of employees of PDAM Surabaya, the population is 400 employees of PDAM. 80 employeeshave been selected as the respondents. The analyses models that have been applied in this research are multiplelinear regressions and path analysis models, and the type of data is the primary data which has been processedby using SPSS. Then, the result will be analyzed. The results of the analysis shows that PL variable(participative leadership) has positive and significant influence to the work motivation of the employees of
PDAM Surabaya. WM and OC (organizational culture) has been proven significant and has an influence to theemployee motivation EM, and for PL variable (participative leadership) has been proven has an influence to theemployee performance EP and organizational culture OC has been proven significant and has an influence tothe
employee performance EP
Moreover, it has been found that work motivation WM has been proven
significant and has an influence to the employee performance EP, and it has been found that work motivation isthe intervening variable between organizational cultures to the employee performance of PDAM Surabaya.

Keywords: Participative leadership, organizational culture, job motivation and employee performance.
