• Andrianto
  • Siti Rokhmi Fuadati
Keywords: Current ratio, return on equity, total asset turn over, debt to equity, level of stock result


This research is meant to find out the influence of the analysis of current ratio, return on equity, total asset
turnover and debt to equity to the rate of stock result in 2010-2014 periods. The case study in this research is
real estate companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Current ratio is the capability of the
company to pay short term obligation by using current asset which is owned by the company. The rate of stock
result has been influenced by other factors such as return on equity, total asset turnover and debt to equity. The
sample collection technique has been done by performing purposive sampling and the samples are 6 real estate
companies which are listed in IDX. The data analysis has been conducted by using multiple linear regressions
analysis. The result of this research is based on the data analysis and the hypothesis test i.e. current ratio (CR)
and total asset turnover (TATO) has an influence to the rate of stock result whereas return on equity (ROE) and
debt to equity (DER) do not have any influence to the rate of stock result. It is recommended that investors had
better not only use financial ratio as their consideration to do investment but to use other factors, e.g.: interest
rates, inflation, market condition, economic condition and other factors. The next researcher can add financial
ratio as the instrument to measure the company performance.

Keywords: Current ratio,return on equity, total asset turn over, debt to equity, and level of stock result.
