• Sri Kuning Pudyanarti
  • Tri Yuniati
Keywords: competitive advantage, customer loyalty and market expansion


The key of success to win the competition in the retail business is on the company ability in creating
competitive advantage. Competitive advantage will establish customer loyalty and it opens the
opportunity to conduct market expansion. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of
competitive advantage to the market expansion, to find out the influence of competitive advantage to
the customer loyalty, to find out the influence of customer loyalty to the market expansion and to find
out the customer loyalty as the variable that can mediate the influence of competitive advantage to the
market expansion.This research is a quantitative causal which has been analyzed by using
quantitative. The population is all consumers who have ever shopp
ed at Hypermart City of Tomorrow
Surabaya and 100 respondents have been selected as samples. The source of data has been obtained
from the primary and the secondary data. The multiple regressions analysis and path analysis is used
as the analysis technique. The results of the
research show that (1) competitive advantage variable has
significant influence to the market expansion, (2) competitive advantage variable has significant
influence to the customer loyalty, (3) customer loyalty variable has significant influence to the market
expansion, (4) loyalty variable can mediate the competitive advantage and it has significant influence
to the market expansion.

Keywords:competitive advantage, customer loyalty and market expansion.
