Company value is a market value that reflects how much the share price is able to be paid by the buyer. Company
value is very influential because it reflects the company's performance. One of the high value of the company is
influenced by the capital structure and size of the company. In this study the capital structure is calculated using
the ratio Debt to Asset Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio. This study aims to examine the effect of capital structure
and firm size on firm value in construction sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the
2016-2020 period. This type of research is quantitative research using causal comparative research. The sampling
technique used is purposive random sampling, namely the selection of samples with certain criteria. The research
sample obtained was 60 samples of companies in 12 construction sub-sector companies 2016-2020. The analysis
used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) Capital structure
has a positive effect on firm value, meaning that the larger the capital structure, the higher the firm value. 2) The
size of the company does not affect the value of the company, meaning that the size of the company does not affect
the value of the company.