This research aims to analyze the influence of strategic planning and job satisfaction on the performance of PT
SIER Surabaya. The method used in this research using quantitative approach. The research object used is PT
SIER Surabaya and research data derived from the results of the division of questionnaire directly. The
population of this research was obtained by using purposive sampling method which is the sampling method
determined through certain criteria by the researcher. Based on the sample criteria that have been set, from 55
questionnaires distributed to respondents obtained 52 questionnaires in accordance with the criteria that have
been set. Statistical test tool used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 23 program.
The result of this research shows that strategic planning variables have a positive influence on the performance of
PT SIER Surabaya, this is influenced by the existence of adequate strategic planning in PT SIER Surabaya that
is the leader of the company capable in making new planning and the leader can pay attention to opportunities
and threats through observation competition environment. Job satisfaction variable also positively influences to
the performance of PT SIER Surabaya, it is also influenced by the existence of adequate job satisfaction in PT
SIER Surabaya i.e. the company has a good relationship between employees with superiors and employees feel
proud of the work it has.
Keywords: strategic planning, job satisfaction, performance.