PENGELOLAAN ALOKASI DANA DESA DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA (Studi pada Desa Kedunganyar Kecamatan Wringinanom Kabupaten Gresik))

  • Arifbillah Razaba Suprayogi
  • Wahidahwati Wahidahwati
Keywords: village goverment, management, village funds allocation, society empowement


This research aimed to find out : (1) process of management planning of village funds allocation, (2) process of management implementation of village funds allocation through villagers empowering building, (3) management report of village funds allocation, (4) some burdens in villagers empowering building. While, the research was qualitative. Moreover, the data where both primary and secondary, which taken from observation and interview. Moreover, the population was Kedunganyar village, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Gresik. The research result concludedas follows: first, process of management of village funds allocation which consist of planning, implementation, and reporting of its funds, appliedby the local government of was Kedunganyar village, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Gresik; had been transparent and accountably implemented. It was caused as the process had followed its technical guideline whitin law regulation. Second, some burdns in management of village funs allocation were consist of its human resources of kedunganyar villagers and their lack of technology and communication knowlegde.
Keywords:village goverment, management, village funds allocation, society empowement.
