• Khanifaturosyidah Maulidiyah Umami
  • Endang Dwi Retnani
Keywords: Performance Measurement, Balanced Scorecard Perspective, School Based Management


This research aims to determine and analyze the measurement of organizational performance with balanced scorecard perspective on Saroja Islamic Primary School Surabaya. The research method used is qualitative method, because this research does not aim to prove hypothesis, but to reveal a fact and circumstance that happened at the time of research. The existence of balanced scorecard method has made a good contribution to the school management. This is evidenced from the results of the discussion, namely on the financial perspective with an indicator of income increase is increased while the cost efficiency shows efficient, customer perspective shows that the customer has satisfied, internally indicates that the school has innovated as in the field of infrastructure, curriculum and student affairs, growth and learning perspectives shows the condition of school performance is good because it can improve the quality of employee performance. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that by using the balanced scorecard can be used as a benchmark for the success of a school. In order to be well implemented in schools it is necessary commitment and cooperation from all parties of school employees.
Keywords: Performance Measurement, Balanced Scorecard Perspective, School Based Management.
