• Lailatul Adawiyah
  • Fidiana Fidiana
Keywords: Ijarah muntahiya bittamlik, baitul maal wattamwil, SFAS No. 107


This research is aimed to find out the IjarahMuntahiyaBittamlikfinancing mechanism (IMBT) and the accounting
treatment in BMT UGT Sidogiri as one of the Islmaic Financial Institutions which has products based on the
IMBT agreement and to analyze its compatibility with the SFAS 107, “Accounting of Ijarah”. The result of the
research shows that the implementation of this IMBT transaction, in general, is compatible with some issue
which are regulated in that provision, even though there are some issues which have not compatible with the
SFAS 107. the incompatibility is in the regulation of maintenance expenses which has been carried out by tenant
(musta’jir) whereas these expenses have to be borne by the owner (mu’jir). The provision of transfer of
ownership has been offered by using options which have been justified by the SFAS 107, i.e. Grant which has to
be carried out at the Fatwah of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Council of Ulama, the ta’ziris allowed to be
conducted in order to make the customers more discipline in carrying out their liabilities, ta’ziris the sanction in
the form of fine of sum of money in which the agreement is signed, but this is not carried out the BMT. Based on
this findings, it can be concluded that the accounting principles of BMT UGT SidogiriSepanjang branch has not
compatible with the SFAS 107, and there is an incompatibility whit the provision of the Fatwah of National
Sharia Board-Indonesian Council of Ulama in the imposition of fine.
Keywords: Ijarah muntahiya bittamlik, baitul maal wattamwil, SFAS No. 107.
