• Rachmansyah Harjuna Yuhanda
  • Sutjipto Ngumar
Keywords: Community Satisfaction Index (IKM), Performance Measurement, Cartesian Diagram


Performance measurement is a work assessment progress to the target and the objective which has been determined previously, including the information on: the efficient use of resources in producing goods and services; goods and services quality (how well goods and services which have been delivered to the customer is and how far the customer has been satisfied); the result of the activity is compared to the intended meaning; and the effectiveness in achieving the objectives. This research is meant to find out how the performance of Rumah Sakit Darmo Surabaya which is located in jalan Raya Darmo No. 90 Surabaya which is measured by using Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) and to find out how the rate of concordance between service performance and public expectations. The data analysis technique has been done by using qualitative descriptive in order to find out the Public Satisfaction Index (IKM) and to explain it in the Cartesian diagram. The result of the survey which has been done in Rumah Sakit Darmo Surabaya about the performance measurement which is assessed by using Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) has obtained the result of each indicators i.e.: (1) service procedures, (2) service requirements, (3) the clarity of service officer, (4) the disciplinary of service officer, (5) the responsibility of service officer, (6) the capability of service officer, (7) the promptness of services, (8) the equality in having services, (9) the hospitality and politeness of officer, (10) the reasonableness of service cost, (11) the certainty of cost, (12) the certainty of service schedule, (13) service convenience, (14) safety of service are in good position and the result of indexes have been obtained is 3.3 and the value of Public Satisfaction Index after it has been converted is 3.3 x 25 = 81.89 which means that the performance of service units is quite well whereas the rate of concordance between the public expectation / interest and the performance has obtained 98.14% is the service performance which is considered to be Concord with the expectation of the public.
Keywords: Community Satisfaction Index (IKM), Performance Measurement, and Cartesian Diagram
