• Hudaifi
  • Sutjipto Ngumar
Keywords: Audit Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Recruitment


The purposes of this research are (1) to find out the implementation of management audit in order to examine the
employees’ performance specifically in the marketing department, and (2) to analyze some factors that can
increase the marketing performance. The scope of this research is the staffs on PT. Sinar Mas Trasindo Surabaya
particularly on the human resources management department (MSDM). The data analysis technique has been
carried out by performing observation, interview, and documentation which is related to the management audit
to assess the human resources performance on PT. Sinar Mas Trasindo Surabaya. The result of the research
shows that the problem which has been encountered by PT. Sinar Mas Trasindo Surabaya is the performance of
the Human Resources Management department which is less maximal in the recruitment process since the
Human Resources Management department cannot meet the target which has been determined by the company.
The Human Resources Management department cannot use the recruitment cost efficiently so the target cannot
be fulfilled yet. Moreover, there is no career promotion if the employees cannot reach the target, so that the
employees are not encouraged to reach their target. In associated with the audit management which is meant to
assess the performance of the employees of marketing department, it has been expected that the management of
the company can analyze and make some policies can lead to the improvement. So the audit management can be
used to assess the performance of the employees of marketing department and the result of the assessment can be
used as the control instrument of marketing department. So it can reach efficiency, effectiveness and economical
since marketing is the most important key in reaching the realization target of the company.
Keywords: Audit Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Recruitment.
