DETERMINAN KINERJA INSTANSI PEMERINTAH DAERAH (Studi pada Organisasi Perangkat Daerah Kota Surabaya)

  • Lifiatus Shalekha
  • Wahidahwati Wahidahwati
Keywords: transparency, accountability, budget participation, government performance


This research aimed to examine the effect of transparency, accountability, budget participation, and organization
commitment and culture on Surabaya local government officer’s performance. While, the population was 22
agencies of local government organization. Moreover, the data collection technique used purposive sampling, in
which the sample was based on criteria given. In line with, there were 96 respondents as sample. However, there
were only 94 samples which could be used. The two questionnaires were not completely filled in. Furthermore, the
data were primary with questionnaires as the instrument. Meanwhile, the questionnaires were distributed to
respondents. Additionally, the research result concluded as follows: 1) transparency did not affect Surabaya local
government officer’s performance, 2) accountability did not affect Surabaya local government officer’s
performance, 3) budget participation had positive effect on Surabaya local government officer’s performance, 4)
organization commitment had positive effect on Surabaya local government officer’s performance, 5) organization
culture had positive effect on Surabaya local government officer’s performance.
Keyword: transparency, accountability, budget participation, government performance.
