• Rizky Chintyawati
  • Nur Handayani
Keywords: evaluation, performance, public service management


This research is meant to evaluate the performance of public service management on Unit Pelayanan
Terpadu Satu Atap (UPTSA) Kota Surabaya Timur which is located on Jalan Menur no 31C Surabaya. This
research is conducted at UPTSA Kota Surabaya which is a public service institution which is formed by local
government of Surabaya to provide fast, easy, and transparent services to public. This research uses qualitative
descriptive research. The determination of informant technique is done by using purposive sampling since this
research is intended to seek for in depth information from the people who know a lot about the focus of this
research. The informant of this research is the UPTSA officers who have authorities in giving the required
information. The result of this research shows that the performance of UPTSA is in accordance with the
indicators which have been stated in the PERMENPAN No 001 of 2015 about the evaluation guideline of public
service management which includes the standard of public service which has been carried out in accordance with
the prevailing regulations, the service announcement which has been formulated and has been carried out
properly, community satisfaction survey has been conducted periodically in every 6 months, the complaint
management is established and carried out properly but it requires improvement and additional of complaint
management officer, and public services information system which has been made based on the law but it has not
been implemented properly so efforts are required in order to implement it in accordance with the prevailing
Keywords: evaluation, performance, public service management.
