• Daru Teguh Wicaksono
  • Fidiana Fidiana
Keywords: permanent differences, temporary differences, profits growth


Tax is the one of the country’s income resources which forceful. Besides, it becomes the biggest income in country’s receipt and budget. The difference between commercial financial statement with fiscal financial statement occurs as regulation., concept and policy are not similar in Financiaal Accountancy Standart Statement with the regulation number 36 year 2008. The regulation talks about tax income. While, this research aimed to examine the effect of permanent and temporary differences on the profits growth. Moreover, permanent differences occurred as there was differences of acknowledgement between taxes and accountary. Meanwhile, temporarely differences occurred as there was differences of time acknowledgment between taxes and accountancy either its income or cost. The research was quatitative. Moreover, there were 65 samples from 13 companies of BUMN which collected with purposive sampling. Furthermore, the population was BUMN companies which were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2017. In addition, the data analysis technique used multiple regression and classical assumption test with SPSS 20. The research result concluded the permanent differences had negative effect on the profits growth. On the other hand, the temporarily differences had positive effect on the profits growth.
Keywords: permanent differences, temporary differences, profits growth
