• Novia Adeline Christie Ottay
  • Nur Handayani
Keywords: financial ratios, stock prices


One source of funds obtained by the company comes from the sale of shares. Stock prices change from one time to another, and it is influenced by several factors. The high and low stock prices will influenced the way of investors view the company. Because the better the value of a stock can provide maximum shareholder wealth to influenced the company. This research aims to test the variable of Price Earning Ratio (PER), Earning Per Share (EPS), Retrun On Assets (ROA), and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) to share price. The population in this research is all food and beverage companies which listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during period 2012-2016 using data of audited financial statistic taken by purposive sampling with criteria determined, so get 6 food and beverage companies that fulfill criterion research. Technical analysis used in this research ism multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS application tool. The result of this research is the variable of Price Earning Ratio (PER) is not significant, Earning Per Share (EPS) have an insignificant influenced, Retrun On Assets (ROA) have significant influenced, and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has no significant influence.
Keywords: financial ratios, stock prices;-
